| 1. | The financial institutions should exercise strict supervision over the verification and evaluation of assets in the restructuring of enterprises 金融机构要严格监督改制企业的清产核资和资产评估等工作。 |
| 2. | Asset restructuring of enterprise is the main way to intensify the reform of state enterprise , adjust the economy structure and reorganize deposit assets 企业资产重组,已成为我国深化企业改革、调整经济结构和盘活资产存量的主旋律。 |
| 3. | Bankruptcy is not only a legislate means exercised on enterprise which is unable to discharge its mature debts , but also an extreme form for the restructure of enterprises 破产既是对无法清偿到期债务的企业依法实行的一种法律手段,是企业组织结构调整的极端形式。 |
| 4. | Where a local people ' s government supports and winks at evasion and rejection of financial debts in the restructuring of enterprises , the leading official concerned shall be investigated for his responsibility 对地方人民政府支持、纵容改制企业逃废金融债务的,要追究地方人民政府有关领导人的责任。 |
| 5. | Evasion and rejection of financial debts occurring in the restructuring of enterprises before the issuance of this circular must be corrected without delay and the financial creditor - debtor relationship must be reestablished 在本通知下达之前已经发生逃废金融债务的改制企业,必须立即纠正并重新确立金融债权债务关系。 |
| 6. | With the help of theory " management of supplying series " and " restructure of enterprise flow process " , the article lists the design , 1 . an ideal mode of supplying chain in the whole publishing industry ; 2 本文借助“供应链管理”理论和“企业流程重组”理论,设计出1 、整个图书出版行业理想的供应链模型; 2 、企业内部新的退货分析处理再造模式。 |
| 7. | Including a preface , the article consists of five parts : in the preface , the author expounded the writing motive and the overall structure . the innovation was strengthened that the article focused on the cgs restructure of enterprises of different kinds 全文共分为五个部分:在前言中,作者详细阐述了写作动机和论文的大致架构,强调文章的创新之处在于侧重分析不同类型的企业间的并购行为导致的公司治理模式的重塑。 |
| 8. | With economic globalization and the arrival of the information era , the world ' s enterprises are faced with more severe challenges and competition in the market , the domestic pharmaceutical companies as well . on the one hand between the restructuring of enterprises , relative to the survival of small enterprises facing pressure ; on the other hand , how to make better products faster occupied market , gave domestic pharmaceutical enterprises to adapt and make higher demands on competitiveness 随着经济全球化和信息时代的来临,世界各国的企业都面临着更加严峻的市场竞争和挑战,国内的制药企业也是如此,一方面企业间的重组,使相对弱小的企业面临着生存的压力,另一方面怎样使产品更快更好地占领市场,都给国内制药企业的竞争能力和管理水平提出了更高的要求。 |
| 9. | After discussing a very important concept in this paper - " assets restructuring " , i analyze asset restructuring and enterprise restructuring , and conclude that they are two different but related concepts . in the end , i make it clear that what is the application of assets restructuring of enterprise 首先阐述了本文中的一个非常重要的概念即资产重组,通过对资产重组的剖析和对企业资产重组目的分析,弄清“企业重组”与“资产重组”是两个既有相同又有不同的概念,近而得出企业资产重组的含义。 |